Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CvtkboneAbaqusInputReaderA class to read Abaqus input files
 CvtkboneAbaqusInputWriterWrites an Abaqus input file
 CvtkboneAIMReaderRead Scanco .aim files
 CvtkboneAIMWriterWrites Scanco .aim files
 CvtkboneApplyBendingTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a bending test
 CvtkboneApplyCompressionTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a compression test
 CvtkboneApplyDirectionalShearTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a directional shear test
 CvtkboneApplySymmetricShearTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a symmetric shear test
 CvtkboneApplyTestBaseBase class for applying a test to create a vtkboneFiniteElementModel
 CvtkboneApplyTorsionTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a torsion test
 CvtkboneCoarsenModelGenerates a reduced-resolution FE model
 CvtkboneConstraintConstraint for a finite element mesh
 CvtkboneConstraintCollectionMaintain an unordered list of dataarray objects
 CvtkboneConstraintUtilitiesUseful methods for creating and manipulating constraints
 CvtkboneDecimateImageReduces the linear dimension by 2 in such a way that values in the input are not interpolated
 CvtkboneErrorWarningObserverSimple observer to catch VTK warnings and errors
 CvtkboneFaimVersion5InputReaderRead input files for FAIM finite element solver
 CvtkboneFaimVersion5InputWriterWrites faim finite element input file
 CvtkboneFaimVersion5OutputReaderRead results file from FAIM finite element solver
 CvtkboneFiniteElementModelData model for finite element meshes
 CvtkboneFiniteElementModelAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkboneFiniteElementModel as output
 CvtkboneFiniteElementModelGeneratorClass for generating a finite element mesh
 CvtkboneGenerateHommingaMaterialTableGenerates a material table corresponding to the Homminga material model
 CvtkboneGenerateHomogeneousMaterialTableGenerates a homogeneous material table
 CvtkboneImageConnectivityFilterMask regions of image data based on geometric connectivity
 CvtkboneImageConnectivityMapMark regions of image data based on geometric connectivity
 CvtkboneImageToMeshTakes a vtkImageData as input and outputs a vtkUnstructuredGrid of hexahedron cells
 CvtkboneInterpolateCoarseSolutionApplies and interpolates a solution from a coarsed FE model
 CvtkboneLinearAnisotropicMaterialAn object representing a linear anisotropic material
 CvtkboneLinearAnisotropicMaterialArrayAn object representing an array of linear anisotropic materials
 CvtkboneLinearIsotropicMaterialAn object representing a linear isotropic material
 CvtkboneLinearIsotropicMaterialArrayAn object representing a linear isotropic material
 CvtkboneLinearOrthotropicMaterialAn object representing a linear orthotropic material
 CvtkboneLinearOrthotropicMaterialArrayAn object representing an array of linear orthotropic materials
 CvtkboneMaterialAn abstract base class for materials used in finite element models
 CvtkboneMaterialArrayAn abstract base class for materials of materials of the same type
 CvtkboneMaterialTableMaterial Table finite element mesh
 CvtkboneMaterialTableAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkboneMaterialTable as output
 CvtkboneMaximumPrincipalStrainIsotropicMaterialAn object representing an isotropic maximum principal strain elastoplastic material
 CvtkboneN88ModelReaderRead n88model files
 CvtkboneN88ModelWriterWrites an n88model file
 CvtkboneNodeSetsByGeometryVarious algorithms to select nodes sets from a mesh by geometry
 CvtkboneOrientationFilterSelect polygons that face a specified direction
 CvtkbonePrettyReportsNice user-targetted summary of vtkbone and some vtk objects
 CvtkboneReorderDataArrayMethods for reordering an array in place
 CvtkboneSelectionUtilitiesUseful functions for creating and modifying sets of Points and/or Cells
 CvtkboneSelectVisiblePointsSelects points that are not obscured by a set of Polygons
 CvtkboneSolverParametersDescription of a finite element test
 CvtkboneStressStrainMatrixSome calculation functions for stress-strain matrices
 CvtkboneTensorOfInertiaCalculates the tensor of inertia
 CvtkboneVerifyUnstructuredGridVerifies the consistency of vtkUnstructuredGrid objects
 CvtkboneVersionVersioning class for vtkbone
 CvtkboneVonMisesIsotropicMaterialAn object representing an isotropic Mohr Coulomb elastoplastic material
 CvtkboneWin32HeaderManage Windows system differences